For iPhone users under 18 years old

The stamp rally provided by this application uses browser cookies (tracking function) to store collected stamp information in the application. We will take the following measures to prevent this.

  1. When you fulfill the conditions to obtain stamps at participating stores in each area, a QR code with the store name will be displayed.
  2. Please come to the Mitaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the photo taken. We will check them at the counter and give you the equivalent of two stamps per photo. (2 or more photos: Effort Award, 3 photos: Complete Award)
  • Area 1 = Blocks 1 and 2, Area 2 = Block 3, Area 3 = Blocks 4 and 5
  • Only one photo per area is valid.

We apologize for the inconvenience and ask for your understanding. Thank you for your understanding.